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15th Edition PPM Annual Conference


 From the On February 13th is the 15th edition of the Program Portfolio Management Conference (PPM conference). The central theme of this year is: a new view on Portfolio. How do you stay in control of the innovation and transformation?

Portfolio management takes the lead in innovation and transformation by integrally directing between policy and implementation. And with a wide variety of embodiments, such as programs, projects and agile teams: the hybrid portfolio is born and puts more than ever a stamp on the future. But, how do you get a grip on the hybrid portfolio in a time of agility and the continuous pressure of transformation and innovation? How do you get in the lead (again) and how do you, as a portfolio manager, help the management and the management to get grip?


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Keynote speakers give you vision and inspiration

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  • A new view on portfolio. How do you stay in control of the innovation and transformation?

Moderator Jan Bloem, organizer of the PMM conference and committed to PPMpro.nl and works at Arlande

  • Portfolio Management at NS Commerce: an example of how you can deliver concrete and measurable results from strategic goals that benefit the organization.

Matthijs Lodder, Manager Portfolio, Programs & Projects, Nederlandse Spoorwegen – Commercie

  • Leadership in change

Anouk Brack, Author, Trainer, Executive coach Leadership Embodiment, AnoukA Training


Practical and interactive parallel sessions

With inspiring best practices from Avans Hogeschool, De Project Academie, FrieslandCampina, WIN, CAK, Sanquin Plasma Products and many more. Visions and experiences will be shared, in order to give you keystones to keep the grip on transformation and innovation within your organization.


We hope to see you on 13th February. For more details visit: https://www.ppmjaarcongres.nl/


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