October 05 2021 at 10:00AM
Disciplined Agile!
Disciplined Agile (DA) is an agnostic, hybrid tool kit that harnesses hundreds of Agile, Lean, and traditional strategies to guide you to the best way of working (WoW) for your team or organization to increase effectiveness in a context-sensitive manner with this people-first, learning-oriented hybrid agile approach.
What is Disciplined Agile? |
PMI and DA – history overview |
DA architecture
DA mindset |
DA roles at scale
Case studies |
Certifications |
DA browser |
PMI Netherlands Chapter/Professional Development Team/Disciplined Agile Team
DA Team - Who we are?
We are a group of volunteers who are passionate about Disciplined Agile toolkit, professional learning and new Ways of Working.
Arina Zaytseva Getjan Lammers
Disciplined Agile Champion Disciplined Agile Delegate
DA Champion serves as advocate and the primary link between PMI Chapter and Disciplined Agile, leads the DA Team, develop the Chapter DA roadmap and collaborate closely with other DA Chapter Champions to share insights and experiences, and to enhance interchapter collaboration within global community on DA topic. |
DA Delegate is responsible for leading local initiatives and communities in creating easy ways for Chapter Members to take advantage of the Disciplined Agile offering through education and peer collaboration, participates in designing and promoting educational focused events and projects, as well as in maintaining close collaboration with global DA community.
What we do
We support the Chapter members’ continuous engagement with the Chapter Community in Disciplined Agile, particularly by
- sharing information/updates and providing guidance to learning and development opportunities to the Chapter members and local communities
- offering special focused events and promoting related projects
- participating in the DA global liaison community in development of and sharing of best practices.
What our goals are
Following the PMI DA Chapter Program to give an opportunity for Chapters to bring DA resources to their communities our main purpose is to advocate and to link PMI Chapter and Disciplined Agile for delivering our Chapter member value by providing guidance to get access to the updated information on the DA content, learning and professional development, to create a DA community based on our Chapter members needs and local organizations’ interest.
Highlights of the PMI NL Chapter DA Journey
Launch of the Disciplined Agile and DA Team as a part of the Events Team
- participation in the work of EU DACC group – collaboration of DA Chapter Champions between PMI Chapters
- First webinar “Disciplined Agile: how to optimize your Business Agility by choosing your Way of Working (your WoW)” with the keynote speaker, Scott Ambler, co-founder of the DA toolkit, Vice-president and Chief Scientist of DA at PMI (November)
Disciplined Agile Team under umbrella of Professional Development Team
- Webinar “Creating Psychological Safety: a Google Case Study” in the framework of Agile20ReflectFestival (February)
- Disciplined Agile: Interactive Live Online Workshop (March)
- PMI NL/Threon session on presenting the results of the Agile Survey Study 2021 “How agile are companies in the Netherlands in 2021?” (November)
Current activities
- Participation in the Agile Across Europe 2021 Survey organized by the PMI Luxembourg Chapter and executed with the participation of 18 PMI Chapters (March-November)
- The survey “How agile are companies in the Netherlands in 2021?” (April)
- Agile Survey Study 2021 Newsletter - 1 (September)
- Development of the DA section on PMI NL website (October)
The recording of the DA webinars and pdf files of the presentations are available for Chapter Members on https://pmi-nl.nl/members-only and for non-Members on demand.
How to contact us
For questions or sharing your ideas on DA topic/events, please contact us by email: disciplined-agile@pmi-nl.nl, development@pmi-nl.nl
For upcoming DA events and updates, please follow the PMI Netherlands Chapter website: https://pmi-nl.nl/calendar and https://pmi-nl.nl/blog
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for our Chapter and joining our Team, we are encouraging you to contact us by using our contact us page https://pmi-nl.nl/benefits-of-volunteering.