January 04 2022 at 10:00AM
20 Years of PMI NL Celebrated at December's Members Meeting
Entitled "Roaring 20's: 2001 – 2021 Celebrating 20 years of PMI NL," this event was a celebration of all we have achieved in the past 20 years as a Chapter and how it influences the future. As with last year's event, the event was online due to current COVID-19 restrictions. But this didn't hold back the enthusiasm of all our wonderful members in attendance.
Chapter President Pawel Stadnik formally welcomed everyone to this event and covered the 2021 Chapter's highlights -
- 20th-anniversary recognition
- 'Membership Growth Program'
- Zoekies Awards (Dutch PM Research Academic)
- CAPM Young Potentials Program
- 40+ virtual events
- Kick-off of the Corporate Outreach Program
- The Themes approach which frames our Chapter content and communications
Cris Gliga presented membership survey results. Member response rates continue to rise, giving us additional insights into your wants and needs. Members Survey highlight was given, followed by the Survey Winner Announcement (based on a random drawing from survey respondents)
Tim O'Toole summarized the work done by the 10+ Chapter teams. A huge thank you to them!
Special recognition and thanks went to three volunteers who received awards for their work (voted on by a jury).
- Volunteer of the Years Award 2020 – Hikmet Coskun Gunduz
- Volunteer of the Years Award 2021 – Cris Gliga
- Lifetime Achievement Award – Anton Zandhuis
Next up was a unique experience. The coming together of the Past & Current Presidents to reflect on their terms as President and how they tackled items such as growth, diversity, leadership, and finishing off with their one wish for the Chapter's future!
Liz Hector introduced our CAPM 2021 Young Potentials Program alumni. And then interviewed four newly certified CAPM members of our Chapter. Click here to see our CAPM Program interviews.
Drake Morse took the mic and led a PM-themed fun and futuristic Kahoot quiz, ending with a podium of the three quiz winners.
Rounding out the celebration, our Chapter President called upon all to toast the 20 years and all the wonderful past and current members & volunteers who made 2021 a success!
Special thanks to the event organizers from Membership and Volunteers, Educational Foundation, Events, and Communications & Marketing. Special thanks goes to Tim O'Toole, Cris Gliga, Noemi Nagy, Eduard Hernandez Madalin Ceausescu, Helen Meijer.