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August PMI Chapter Xchange collaboration review


In August, Tom Bloemers, one of the PMI Board members, spoke about the possibilities that AI brings to Project Management and how to stay ahead of the disruption. He spoke these words during the kickoff of the August PMI Chapter Xchange collaboration titled: Generative AI, Can it Disrupt Project Management?, where there were nearly 1500 participants registered from 74 different countries listing to him and eagerly awaiting the participation of the 5 expert panelists.

That is part of beauty of this extraordinary initiative, started in 2020, and sponsored by PMI Mumbai Chapter. The leader of the program is Priya Patra, with the vision to promote cross chapter collaboration and encourage cultural diversity.

Currently 26 Chapters from 5 continents collaborate. The Xchange team is organized to co-create monthly, open and free events that bring relevant topics to the project management community and other affinity groups. Chapter members from the Netherlands join in with 40 other representatives to prepare the webinar. Each event is treated as a project, with well-defined activities, functions and indicators.

After the intro, every month a different PMI chapter is highlighted and opens a virtual window to give project management peers across the world a seek peek into the local culture wherever that chapter is located.

Then the moderated panel discussion begins and we get to hear the opinions of the diverse participants. One of the questions of this session was “Which AI tools are you using, and what are you suing them for?” 

A lot of time and preparation goes into preparing each session and the collaboration does not stop at the end of the webinar. Each month there is a  publication with responses from participants to questions related to the theme of the event (the Insight Xchange Nuggets) . The recording of the events are also all available since the first edition on the PMI Mumbai YouTube channel.

So if you are interested in hearing how your peers are using ChatGPT take a look at the recording.


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