June 27 2020 at 06:00AM
Findings Survey PMI Netherlands Events North & North East
In order to better serve our PMI Netherlands community in the North East with a good set of events and communication, the PMI Netherlands Events team reached out to members last month via an online survey.
The survey responses were collected and analysed by the newly appointed regional leads, Pawel Stadnik for the Northern Netherlands region and Frank Weegink for North-Eastern region. You may reach them via regional-events@pmi-nl.nl in case of any comments or questions.
Convenient locations
60% of the respondents have been part of the Dutch chapter for more than a year already, and are actively participating in chapter events like, monthly chapter events, ISO projects or webinars.
More interesting findings show that a vast majority of PM professionals have time and interest to participate in events but the location is not always convenient for them. This could limit the members ability to develop their professional skills seeing as 80% of the respondents indicated that keeping their project management knowledge up to date was a key reason for participating in chapter events.
Other reasons mentioned for participating in chapter events included aspects like networking with colleagues and earning PDU’s, as selected by about 70% of the respondents.
Topics preferred
Interest in events is currently in high demand and based on the responses received from this survey, the number one topic is related to leadership followed by risk and crisis management. Nonetheless, classic topics like portfolio, change and stakeholder management are still in interest by around 50% of the members.
Regarding the types of event that respondents would like to see, two thirds of the respondents group prefers virtual, on-demand webinars. This was no surprise considering the current situation with Covid-19. Still, life events, like guided tours or demonstrations, continue to be popular too.
Interactive group discussions came second at 70%, rather than panel discussions. Thirdly, guided tours and demonstrations or presentations from Subject Matter Experts was preferred by a similar share of people. The option to network with other members was important across all the event types.
Hosting events
12% of the respondents were open to hosting a physical chapter event in the future. Once we can resume physical chapter events, we will actively follow-up with the specific organisations that showed interest. If your organisation would like more information about hosting an event in partnership with the PMI Netherlands chapter, please do not hesitate to contact us via regional-events(at)pmi-nl.nl.
Again, we thank all the survey participants for their valuable time and feedback. In case you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.
On behalf of the PMI Netherlands Events volunteers, Frank Weegink and Pawel Stadnik.