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International Women’s Day highlights the power of equality


8 March marked International Women's Day. The theme was #BreaktheBias to make the world a more equal place.


This year was unique in two ways:

  1. We teamed up with the UK and 16 other countries to hold a European-wide Three-day event.
  2. And Leonie van Mierlo was our Speaker from the PMI NL. Leonie is a business strategist, diversity and inclusion leader, and author of Gelijkspel Wint, which was shortlisted for the 2020 management book of the year.


The talk on "Fix the System, Don't Fix the Women" had 100+ attendees. Leonie presented facts about where we are today and a case for change. She also shared some practical tips on how we can make gender equality a benefit to our projects and companies.


Facts about the impact of lack of diversity:

  • 5% of board members are women today
  • 5% pay gap (even when corrected for other factors such as work hours)
  • 38: Where Netherlands ranks in the global gender gap, our Nordic neighbors rank in the top 5


Facts about the reality of women in the workplace today:

Change starts with each of us. Leonie gave practical tips for each of us to #BreakTheBias:

  • Have the courage to be inclusive when building project teams
  • Say something and do something when you see inequality
  • Mentor both men and women, be a meritocracy role-model
  • Advocate diversity and inclusion as a way for everyone to win


If you are a woman:

  • Trust your capabilities (Data shows women have the skills but don't present the confidence that men do)
  • Be your authentic self (Reject the notion you have to act like a man to achieve success)
  • Don't lean in, lean back (Don't try to be everything to everyone, don't do everyone's work for them, instead, focus on what's going to make you a success)

Some key takeaways from attendees:

  • "The 'fight' is real. So many people, women included, may be lulled into thinking it's all done. The data suggests otherwise." - Nini.
  • "The importance of paying it forward was a great point. I agree that women, myself included, need to do more of that" - Ashley.
  • "Stop fixing women, fix the system!" speaks to my heart. Please add me to the Women in PM group. I hope more women will join, support each other and grow together. - Anna

Thanks to Nini, Ashley, and Anna for contributing their voice to the conversation. For their efforts, they have received their copy of Gelijkspel Wint.


Gender equality relates to the bigger picture of diversity and inclusion. So no matter your gender and role, think about what you can do to break the bias in the workplace so that we can all benefit. The change will start with each of us. Are you ready to do your part to #BreakTheBias? 


Interested in joining the Women's PM Network NL, click here.


See Leonie's full presentation here. Please note it is available only to PMI NL Members.


The next Women in Project Management Event will be "Power up your Negotiation Skills" Join us 10 May from 12.00-13.00


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