May 04 2020 at 03:59PM
Meet the new Disciplined Agile Champion for the PMI Netherlands Chapter!
The Project Management Institute (PMI) announced in August 2019 the acquisition of Disciplined Agile (DA). The DA toolkit is the world’s only comprehensive agile body of knowledge (BOK) that provides straightforward and practical guidance to help individuals, teams and enterprises choose their “way of working” in a context-specific way.
Key principles of DA include customer centricity, being pragmatic rather than purist, providing a range of agile and lean options, applying context-based practices, and optimizing flow across the entire enterprise. Applying the DA toolkit allows organizations to customize any method or framework -- such as traditional, Scrum, or SAFe – to drive outcomes that differentiate them from their competitors.
PMI introduced the DA Chapter Program as an opportunity for chapters to get engaged with DA and to bring DA resources to their communities. The Disciplined Agile (DA) Champion for the PMI Netherlands chapter is Priscilla Bakx-Kabai. Priscilla is also the current Director Events for the PMINL chapter.
We are searching for individuals who would like to join our team as Disciplined Agile Delegates. As a DA Delegate, you will be responsible for leading local initiatives and communities in creating easy ways for Chapter Members to take advantage of the Disciplined Agile offering through education and peer collaboration.
For PMI members, please find more details about the role on VRMS. Link here:
If you are a non-PMI member but you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Priscilla via our website contact page and she will share more details.