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PM Fair 2020: “Black Swans and Unknown Unknowns. Opportunity? Or threat?”


Monday 28th of September to Saturday the 3rd of October

We have had many, many exciting applications from wonderful speakers to take part in this year’s event. Being virtual, with no limit on rooms and no cost constraints, we have the opportunity to include more sessions than normal.

The applications are undergoing their final review, the schedule is being determined and we are expecting in the region of 26 different sessions throughout the week

As soon as they are ready, details will be published on our PM Fair Website (pmfair.org – bookmark it !) and on our LinkedIn site (https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/pm-fair)

Registration will be open shortly

Special Sessions

Going virtual has its advantages, but also some downsides. Whilst we can squeeze in some additional sessions, with speakers from afar, at low cost, we do miss out on some of the key benefits of a physical event: networking, socializing and fun, to name but a few

So we are adding a couple of ‘different’ sessions –  to inspire and impress each other, to learn about each other, and to have some fun !!

Foul Up Friday

Do you remember a time the simplest error led to the biggest mistake, or a slight misunderstanding had disastrous consequences. Did your product have to be recalled for something stupid, was your deliverable way off target, were the expectations unreachable or simply misunderstood, were you and the stakeholders on different wavelengths, or worse, different planets?

We could love to hear from you, and so would your colleagues – the funnier, the better – but it would also be good to share some simple lessons for Project Managers everywhere.

If you have a story you would like to share, please provide the details in the attached form and send them to frank.turley@pmi-belgium.be

We will compile the best stories to share at one of the final sessions, and maybe even prize for the ‘winner’ !

And fear not, you do not have to present the story live yourself, we can help with that. Just share the details and we will sort it all out for those selected.

PMI’s Got Talent

And now for something completely different  - share your talent with your PMI colleagues

  • What is your passion, outside of work and Project Management ?
  • How do you spend every moment of spare time ?
  • What do you love doing ? What are you expert at ? What is your soul food ?

It does not have to be singing, but it could be, but it is not a singing competition (no record deals available L). Talents could be everything and anything – a band, solo instrumental,  making music, drawing, painting, modelling, beekeeping, sewing, knitting …  anything and everything – the more unique, the more amazing the better !

Share, make us smile, let us reflect in admiration, inspire us to do something more or different

If you want to participate in this session, send your details, along with  images, audios, videos, etc to our Events Director, Gert.Bogaerts@pmi-belgium.be, who will compile the very best, for a special session where we will vote and select the very best PMI Talent.


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