April 16 2021 at 08:00AM
Survey “How Agile are companies in the Netherlands in 2021?
Dear Chapter Member,
We would like to welcome you to participate in the survey “How Agile are companies in the Netherlands in 2021?”.
The aim of this survey is to explore and analyse the attitude of companies in the Netherlands and around Europe concerning the Agile Project Management approach and methodology.
We would appreciate it if you take the time to describe the current situation and dimensions of Agile in your organization and portray your views about the benefits and obstacles that accompany its implementation.
The survey should not take more than ten (10) minutes of your time.
Be assured that all responses you provide will be kept in the strictest confidentiality. Answers to questions will not be identified by individuals and will be compiled and analysed as a group.
We would be grateful if you could respond by May 28, 2021.
Thank you in advance for taking part in this significant survey organised for the third time by the PMI Luxembourg Chapter and PwC Luxembourg and executed with the participation of PMI Austria, Azerbaijan, Central Italy, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Italy, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Southern Italy, Sweden and UK Chapters.
A project history overview
The PMI Luxembourg Chapter in collaboration with PwC Luxembourg with the support of the PMI European office in Brussels conducted the first survey “How Agile are companies in Luxembourg?’’ in 2017. After the success of that survey they have decided on running it every 2 years. In 2019 PMI Croatia and Poland Chapters joined the project. The idea of continuing to create a common initiative between PMI Chapters in Europe to investigate the degree to which the concept of “Agile” is embedded in companies around the continent led to an invitation of more participants. In 2021 18 PMI Chapters expressed their willingness to get involved. You can find more about the Project and previous survey reports here.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us with the mark “2021Agile Survey” by email development@pmi-nl.nl, disciplined-agile@pmi-nl.nl.
Looking forward to your support of the initiative and being a part of the 2021 Agile Survey across Europe. Please use the following link.
Kind regards,
Drake Morse, Arina Zaytseva, Getjan Lammers
Professional Development Team / Disciplined Agile Team
PMI Netherlands Chapter