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Zoekies Award – Showcasing the best ideas and young PM talent

PM For the Future

On 17 March we had four amazing presentations by researchers in the field of Project Management. The focus was on how human dynamics of change, risk, and empathy impact our projects. The focus of 3 of 4 of outcomes was based on work with Dutch construction companies, the findings are applicable to all projects and project managers.


The Zoekies are an award program, but they are more.  Members had a chance to hear from the young talent coming into Project Management today.  If you applied each of the takeaways from these findings - you may find the same kind of results that the sponsor companies did.  What were the key lessons learned from the Sponsor Companies?


An improved understanding of the underlying dynamics at play in projects can bring insights that deliver real impact to the long-term organization and project outcomes.


If you want to see the replay of each of these 10 minute – information-packed videos, click here. You will see this was not just interviews and data analysis, the researchers created models, ways of working, and approaches to understand and enable actionable change.


If you want to learn more about the Researchers involved, click here for their 2-minute introductions, and one Sponsor interview. This will help you appreciate the work done.


Thanks to our members for co-sponsoring this event.  Together we PMI, Researchers took home awards including PMI Membership, access to PMI CAPM Young Potentials program, and a cash prize.  


Please join us in welcoming the 4 new members of PMI NL to our ranks. And let's use their work to improve our projects in the field.


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