March 02 2022 at 02:40AM
Volunteer Blog – March 2022
Volunteer of the Year 2019 and Lifetime Award 2021
- What kind of volunteer work have you done in the Chapter?
You may say that the Chapter is like a baby to me, as I'm one of the Chapter's co-founders. In that context, I've acted in many different board roles. I've mainly been volunteering in the Program Board Dutch Publications in more recent years, with the pocket companion to PMI's PMBOK Guide as one of the highlights.
Another highlight was managing the 5th PMI Benelux day in 2004, together with the PMI Belux Chapter. An entire day PM event with over 250 participants, completely organized with volunteers and funded by partner organizations of both Chapters.
Recently I've been asked to take up the role of Director Partnership (I do not remember any pressure being applied … 😊!) and decided to go for it. In that role, together with Claudia Chackelson, we are seeking a more active collaboration with organizations, especially those with many members within our Chapter. The aim is to increase the value their employees, thus their business, get from the Chapter. The focus is also on Partner organizations that actively support and contribute to the design and execution of activities and programs for our Chapter members. That's a great opportunity for organizations to stand out and display leadership in their domains of expertise as they support our members' professional development and growth and our Chapter.
- What made you want to be a volunteer, and were your expectations met?
I was triggered by the enthusiasm of my PMP trainer, Louis Mercken. He was at that time also President of the PMI Benelux chapter. So I became a member of the PMI Benelux Chapter in 2000. The Benelux Chapter's highlight at that time was the PMI Benelux day, where after my first visit, I joined as a volunteer.
Starting as co-founder of the Netherlands Chapter, my volunteering activities never stopped:
- I was project manager of the 5th Lustrum PMI Benelux day,
- team member of the first Dutch translation of the PMBOK Guide
- later, even in PMI on a global scale, as Advisor to the PMI Registered Education Provider program on behalf of the EMEA region.
During all these collaborations, I learned a lot about PMI, the Chapter, and myself, developing new skills on the fly. And that's the real value of volunteering: realizing results you can't do by yourself, supported and inspired by a great team of volunteers, with many different skills and experience (loads of experiences!), so learning a lot while having fun.
Based on all that, Louis even asked me to join Threon. And that's how I could do what I really like: training and coaching individuals and teams in delivering projects, towards realizing benefits and organizational strategy success.
So, honestly, when you would have said then that joining the Chapter as a volunteer would turn out to be a career and lifetime changing event …. I would never have guessed.
- What advice would you give to others who are considering becoming a volunteer?
First of all, I like to repeat and confirm Hikmet's words from the last such Volunteer Spotlight Blog: "It's fun." It really is!
It will help you grow your professional network and grow your skills by working with like-minded people in realizing ideas not available in your day-to-day job.
And did I say already that it's fun? I can only confirm that your effort into it will provide you rewards and create career opportunities you can't even imagine. So, to all Chapter members I would like to say: Just get in contact or look at our website to see where you can join in. We are really looking forward to meeting you in one of the many volunteering opportunities our Chapter has to offer.