PM Fair 2022

The PM Fair 2022 is a unique opportunity to revive the PM community after two years of the COVID-19 pandemic limited the holding of events of its size and generally impacted face-to-face networking and learning.  The congress will be held in an inspiring location over the course of one day, Friday 7th October 2022, where we can safely meet face-to-face. Our goal is therefore to partner with you, to spread knowledge (not virus!), and host a physical event like never before!    ​

We have our usual enticing smorgasbord of PM-relevant talks, workshops, and Keynote speeches to enjoy. As networking will be again a key element to the PM Fair, we’ll host morning ‘coffee time’ sessions, lunch time interactive workshops, as well as additional sessions in the early or late evening. We will thereby maximise the possibility for our members to participate in live workshops and networking activities.


Please visit  for more information and registration.

It is not possible to register for this event


Type of category: Other Events

Date: 7 October 2022

Hour: 8:00 to 20:00

PDU: 0.0
