Building your Negotiation Skills

Power Skills
Many people think Negotiation is winning at the cost of someone else. Known as the zero-sum game or getting everything you want. Is zero-sum the right answer? Is there a better way to negotiate?  To do this, ask three questions:
1. What is your negotiating goal?
2. What is your definition of negation?
3. Can you run through an example or situation?
In this meeting will we review a the key concepts, approaches and tools you can use to negotiate anything.  We will have a discussion from attendees on their issues, challenges and lessons learned to help each of us begin to master this important skills.

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Type of category: Webinar

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: 27 September 2022

Hour: 12:00 to 13:00

PDU: 1


Members: Free

Non-members: Free

