PMINLCH Registration Open: Knowledge Sharing Café #5 - Critical Change Management Techniques
Creating a sense of urgency, knowledge and capability are main prerequisites to implement a change management method for more sustainable outcome. What method have you used to implement or control a change? What do you consider as a critical change management method? How would you sell a change management method that you selected to the stakeholders? How would you secure and engage high level support and sponsorship in change process? In the 5th Knowledge Sharing Cafe event, you can ask similar questions to other project managers in the discussion circles. Do not miss this opportunity to learn experience of other PMs and how they find the right method and execute it smoothly.
After signing up for the event, you will receive PMINL Wonder URL link. Please don't forget to bookmark the web address once you received it and create a profile before the meeting time.
Looking forward to meeting you soon.
Event Title: PMI-NL Knowledge Sharing Café #5 - Critical Change Management Technique
Date/time: Thursday May 27th, 17:00-18:15.
Event type: PMI-NL Knowledge Sharing Cafe Wonder Platform (URL link will be sent after the registration)
Reyhan Unsalan and Wim Maas Geesteranus
It is no longer possible to register for this event